i don't know about you, but i like simple. i can wrap my mind around it. it settles well in my heart. but, what is simple anymore? i mean, look around. everything is complex or complicated. i'm typing on a keyboard that is wireless to the computer. how did that occur? it's complicated. i breathe odorless, colorless stuff into my nostrils and it sustains my life. i don't understand. it's complex. i drive a car; i wear clothes; i use an ipod and a digital camera - complicated, complex, it's all over my head. how about relationships - they can be very complex and complicated. is there anything that is simple. well, fortunately, yes, there is. our relationship with Jesus is really pretty simple. He went to the cross and died so that we might live. yet, even that we try to complicate with theology, doctrine, personal opinion, etc. i vote that we just keep it simple and say, thank you Jesus for the new life in You.