i just came back from a journey into a local hardware store. i found what i needed, though it took me a while. and it took me a while to navigate out of the store. have you ever looked around a hardware store? i mean, really looked. it became fairly obvious, fairly quickly that i could use everything that i saw. from birdseed for my bird feeders to Christmas decorations to electrical supplies to all kinds of cool tools (many of which i had no idea what they would even be used for) to keys to - well, you get the picture. you know, some stores you can't figure out if they are of God or satan - but a hardware store - it's a glorious and amazing gift given to us from the very throne room of God. it is chock full of needs - and yeah, ok, a lot of wants. however, this i have against hardware stores - where do you start? what do you buy first? you (at least i do) become fixated on one item, thinking this is it, but then your peripheral vision draws you to something different and even more needed and on and on and on. that's the wonderful thing about God though. when you fixate upon Him and His Son Jesus, there is nothing that your peripheral vision can see that is more needed.