have you ever looked around you and noticed how many books there are? our life is surrounded by books. when we are conceived parents start reading books. the doctors that care for us at that early age have devoured books. then we pop out and start growing. as we do, we find great delight in books being read to us. then off to school and more books. into high school and more complicated books. then college and thicker and more expensive books. then the fun time comes. as we look around we see that books, books, and more books are available. books that we actually want to read vs. have to read. mysteries, true life adventures, self-help, funny, political, economic, serious, religious, technical, how-to, philosophical, historical, westerns, detective stories, autobiographies, and on and on many, many books are available to read. again, not because we have to but because we can and we want to. books are fantastic - they open our worlds and our hearts and our minds. but there is a problem. every book you read will have a part that you disagree with. but it doesn't matter - because they are just the author's story. it really doesn't matter - well, with one exception. the Bible. yes, it's still the author's story - but in the Bible's case it's God's story. that does matter.
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