it's that time, again. mccain vs obama. obama vs. mccain. biden vs. palin. palin vs. biden. yes, it is an important time. yes, we need to exercise our constitutional right to vote. and yes, we need to vote according to prayer, our research, and our conscience vs. how a person speaks or looks or what suit or clothes they wear or whatever! some say this is the most important election in history - at least the two candidates like to lead you to think so. some - actually quite a few - tell you that if their candidate looses we are in for very, very rough times. isn't that a bit arrogant? the truth: "there is no authority except from God. those that exist have been instituted by God" - Rom 13:1. so do we trust obama, mccain, palin, biden? they're humans. my vote goes for trusting God that He will do what He said He will do. that just leaves one question. for what reason did God establish the authority?
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