Wednesday, October 29, 2008


when i woke up yesterday morning i saw an amazing site. frost. it was everywhere. frost. it was on my car (not my motorcycle as it was in the garage, hee hee.). it was on the roof of the house - in fact my black shingles looked white. it was on the trees. but, the most beautiful was how it covered my front lawn. it actually looked like it had snowed. it was gorgeous. no, it was beautiful. it was amazing. it covered everything with this amazing whiteness. it just looked clean. and as the sun came up you could stand there and watch the sparkles and reflections dancing across the yard. amazing. i loved it. as i stood there gazing at the beauty of it all it reminded me of something else - of something even more beautiful - even more clean and white. it reminded me of the cleanness and whiteness that i enjoy because Jesus washed away my sins by His blood sacrifice.

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