it's here. it's here! the day that we finally see the swearing in of our new president. and to think that the process started about two years ago and we finally see the fulfillment of it all. (just think, in two short years it will start all over - exciting, huh?) we've gone through the announcements that certain people are running. we've endured all the tv commercials and ads leading up to the primaries. we've given careful thought to which candidate in each party that we wanted to vote for. then the race was narrowed to two people. and once again we endured all the ads, placards, yard signs, tv commercials, radio announcements, ad nauseum. and then we gave careful thought and studied each person and what they stood for, spending signficant amounts of time looking at their voting records, past comments, etc. (ok, maybe i am a dreamer, but i hope most people voted for the person vs. the party) and that brings us to this day. the day our new president is sworn in. the day that the governing authority that exist have been instituted by God (Rom 13:1). Aren't you glad you don't have to go through this process every couple years with God. He is established and He is our governing authority forever and ever.
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