you know, i bought my first set of good speakers way back in 1972. i had just reenlisted in the navy for two more years - required because i had enlisted in the nuclear navy - you know submarines and other ships - but, hey that's a story for another day. anyway, i had this significant amount of money in my pocket and we had shore leave in hong kong. the first place i went was the china fleet club. now, i must say up front i didn't spend all the money - actually less than 25% as i remember. however, the prices were so cheap that i was buying 12 place settings of noritake china and shipping them home for presents. then i hit the stereo room. all i can say is wow! wall to wall stereo equipment, with one whole wall being dedicated to speakers. the room had a sophisticated patching system which allowed you to put your own system together, which i spent hours doing. i remember using well over half the time picking the speakers. i'd patch this one and that one until i picked the right one - six way speakers that had a fantastic sound, which could shake any room in any house if you had the power to do so, which i had already picked. the speakers were clear with a brilliant sound through all the various frequencies. even today, they still have a solid bottom, mixed together with great highs. yet, you can tell that the years have gotten to them, and they aren't quite as clear. they're just wearing out and that affects the sound that reaches my ears. i'm glad though that the sound of God's voice, which i started hearing at about the same time, has not been wearing out. in fact, it has gotten stronger and clearer. yes, our God speaks to us and yes, His people can hear His voice.
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