remember the old song that had the line in it that talked about a horse and carriage going together like love and marriage? you don't, huh? guess i'm dating myself. oh well. anyway, there was this song that had those lines. i always found the song interesting because there is only one way that you can put a horse and carriage. now, have you ever seen a horse pushing a carriage. well, ok during one of the super bowl budweiser commercials a couple of clydesdales were helping a young clydesdale by pushing the wagon the clydesdales normally pull. but, hey, other than that, have you? i mean, when's the last time you saw a couple snuggling together in a carriage that was being pushed by a horse? so, there's only one way it can be done. aren't you glad it's not like that when you think of another great couple - Jesus and prayer. with Jesus and prayer it works either way. when you think about Jesus it just naturally leads to prayer. you start thinking of Him, about Him and you just start talking to Him and listening to His voice. Or, if you start praying, you just naturally start asking Him questions or telling Him how wonderful He is or asking Him if He can help you out with this or that - which leads you to listening for His response. Jesus and prayer. Prayer and Jesus. now that's what i call a couple that works well together.
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