what's this - christian hedonism?! aren't those two words that don't fit together. i mean, hedonism is the pursuit of pleasure! christianity is a bunch of rules, regulations, charts, cannots, and hypocrisy. what's that have to do with pleasure? well, nothing! if that is what christianity is, then the two words don't fit together. but, the bigger question is, is that what christianity is all about. well, that's what you see in most places. i remember attending a church service many years ago and this dude had this chart that was a good 15-20 ft long - depicting time from the beginning to the end. it was full of symbols and things - even had a john deere combine on it. it supposedly laid out everything God was up to, all the way to the end. i walked away believing that was what christianity was all about - for many years. then i discovered something, i was wrong. it's not about all of that - it's about how a couple of people use to have such a great relationship with God that they hung out with Him in this fantastic garden - and they were naked. then the relationship was broken - and they got dressed to hide their shame. the rest of the story - God is restoring that relationship through Jesus. why? relationship - not rules, regulations, charts, have-tos, cannots, and hypocrisy. man, is that cool, or what? relationship with the King of kings and the Lord of lords - for eternity.
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