i'm sitting here thinking about the weekend and contemplating what i am going to share on sunday at church. we're coming upon the season that this country traditionally celebrates as Christmas. the history of that even is long and interesting. the truth is that ancient authorities are not agreed on the date. some say december 25th, while others say january 6th, April 20th, may 20th, and sometime in the fall. you know, the actual date doesn't matter. yes, i tend to lean towards the fall because the shepherds were in the field - the sheep may have been gleaning the fields and eating the stubble of the crops. but, in the end, who cares. as Christians we should celebrate Christ's birthday 24/7/365. oh yeah, 366 on leap years. Christmas was originally started to offset a pagan holiday, and now the world is attempting to take back the ground - winter holiday, buying presents, etc. don't get me wrong - i do that stuff, put up a tree, decorate, celebrate, etc. it's an opportunity to share Jesus. in the end, that is the important part - Jesus. He was born. He was born of a virgin. God gave His Son to be born, to suffer, to provide eternal life, to be a Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace among other functions, titles, and offices. Let's rejoice, for He came and brought new life. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
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