wow! have you taken a look at the calendar lately? 2008 is almost history. impossible! it just began - i mean, just a few short weeks, er, months ago. and now it's gone - like a vapor. doesn't it make you just want to cry out and ask someone why it goes by so quick? yeah, we spend a few short years wanting to get older, then we spend the rest of our lives living in denial. i'm only 29! oh no, the big four-oh is just around the corner. oh no - is that 60 i'm starying at? know what i mean? could it be that we realize that life is only a vapor, but we're trying to stop it? could it be that we realize that we are but a vapor and we're trying to add significance to our lives by making it last longer? however, as the psalmist put it, at our best we are but vapor. something to think about as we walk out our lives. however, we can be assured of this - the next life will be eternal and the vapor will have a sweet fragrance - if our eternal state is found in Jesus.
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