cobwebs - yech! they're everywhere, everywhere. don't believe me. move a piece of furniture in your house - any piece, it really doesn't matter. now look behind it. cobwebs - guarantee it. or, start looking into corners in rooms where the walls and ceiling come together. you'll find one somewhere. or, how about your brain? if you live with yourself long enough you'll find some cobwebs even there. do you ever wonder, where do they come from. well i did some research and found this at straightdope.com: "Arachnologically speaking, a "cobweb" is a web made up of short irregular strands arranged haphazardly, as opposed to the elegant and elaborate orb webs made by spiders of the family Araneidae. The "cobweb spiders" make up the family Theridiidae. One of the commonest in the U.S. is the common house spider Achaearanea tepidariorum. Because the strands are sticky, they gather dust, producing the long fluffy streamers you see." aren't you glad you read this blog entry? don't you feel more enlightened? but the problem still exists. they're everywhere - i mean everywhere. kind of like Jesus.
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