tomorrow is black friday. what a name. it follows thanksgiving day. and it starts early. stores are opening at midnight. others open early in the morning with lines queueing before midnight. i've heard of people who get in line and camp out all night to buy doorbusters. why? so that they can sell the stuff on ebay at a profit - a handsome profit. i've seen pictures of these long lines and near fights in stores over items. one day fattening up on pumpkin pie next to a warm fire, the next spending a cold night outside your favorite store. one day chasing that last piece of turkey, the next fighting for the golden egg. i actually went out one black friday. and i'm here to tell you i survived. i spent my time staying out of people's way. i had to watch where i looked. if i looked at something and took a step towards it, someone would dive in front of me to grab it, thinking it was a great deal. i then began to develop a strategy, just like i was on a football field. i'd look right, and imight even juke right, then i'd dive left to grab the precious item as the others around me would tackle whatever was to the right of me. great sport this day was in the store, but dangerous. i'm just glad that Jesus brings only white fridays and that in Him is no danger.
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