ah yes. it's laundry day. you know, the day that laundry needs to be done. but why? because someone decided it's not cool to wear dirty clothes. like that really defines the person. but, hey, you can't buck tradition can you? but there can be a benefit. say you're wearing dirty, smelly clothes and you need to walk through a large crowd. the crowd will part like the red sea and you'll have no problem moving quickly to your destination. or say you want privacy at work - just wear dirty, smelly clothes and as soon as someone walks into your office, every one will know it - and leave you alone. so, there are some advantages to not doing laundry. however, please don't take this blog entry as endorsing that in any way shape or form. so laundry day is very, very important. it comes often depending on the size of your family. the frequency doesn't matter, it's the fact that we have to wash our clothes so that when we wear them next they are clean. aren't you glad that we only had to be washed once by the blood of Jesus.
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