have you ever looked at an ink pen. i mean really looked at it. studied it. turned it over and over in your hand. taken it apart. studied it. they really are quite amazing. simple, yet complex. they are made of plastic (metal for more expensive) a spring, and some apparatus that allows you to push it in various places to open it or close it. see, if you couldn't open and close it you'd be buying lots of shirts due to ink stains. so that is really important. think about where we would be without the ink pen. we write with it. we sign important documents with it. we endorse checks with it. we journal with it. we take notes with it. we chew on them. we doodle with them. we play with it. we record important information with it. and i'm sure there is more we can do with an ink pen. but their value is all tied up in whether ink flows out of the tip or not. most of the time it does - but have you ever noticed how they fail you at the most inopportune of times. isn't it nice to know that though an ink pen can fail us, Jesus will never fail us.
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