well, here we are two days out from what was called the biggest election of our time. pundits on both sides were saying that dire consequences were to be had by this country if the other side won. so, now that i think about it, since one side won, and the other side said that - put on your seat belts for dire consequences are on their way. whatever! many are still rejoicing, while many are sad or scared or nervous. many had tears running down their faces after it was all over - some for joy, some out of sadness. that's the amazing thing about elections. people get emotionally involved, tied up into it, buying everything that their candidate says. and then, boom, it's over and reality comes back into play. at some point, the joy of it all for a lot of people will fade to sadness and disappointment. that's not a negative reflection on any individual. it's happened after every election - every election. the popularity polls have fallen - the honeymoon has come to an end. that's just how it is when you cast your lot with a human - an imperfect human. that's why i have cast my lot with God and will continue to do so. though humans disappoint, Jesus never does.
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