it is that time of year that we, as americans, celebrate thanksgiving. ya know, that day that was started along time ago by the pilgrims. the day that we stuff ourselves with turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, green beans, mashed potatoes, pumpkin and pecan pie, and whatever else is set before us. that day where we watch the football games and catch up on what's been happening in various parts of the family. the day that was set aside for - oh yeah, to be thankful for the many blessings that we have. yes, we need to be thankful, as we are more blessed than any other country in the world. why? simply, God. God has decided to bless us. the pilgrims knew that and we use to. ouch! but, let us return to our roots and acknowledge the many blessings of God, starting with Jesus and the building of the Kingdom of God and all the other things He has and will add.
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