mmmm. just the mention of the word and i start getting dizzy. chocolate. the most amazing discovery in all of history. chocolate. cho-co-lat! i once visited the hershey factory in hershey, pa. it was wonderful. upon entering the factory you entered this roller-coaster like ride that carried you through the factory. it was roller-coaster in that as you went by rivers of flowing chocolate you would experience this incredible high. then the chocolate would disappear from your view and you would immediately drop from that high, only to go around a corner and once again be in the presence of chocolate. cho-co-lat! mmmmmm, so wonderful. yes, i am a chocoholic. i love it. there is no bad chocolate, only good, better, and fantastic chocolate. i recommend at least one serving of chocolate a day, though 3-4 is much, much better. i also recommend chocolate baths, though i personally have never had one. there is no doubt that chocalate is the sweetest concoction of all time. yet, it never permanently satisfies as a true chocoholic will be looking forward to his or her next experience after finishing one. it's kind of like Jesus, once you taste of him, you just keep wanting more and more.
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